The election, scheduled to be held on November 7, is the culmination of a plan by General Than Shwe, 77, who has run the country since 1992, to .... Militer Myanmar di bawah kepemimpinan Jenderal Than Shwe.” 77.

Semakin ... utama Open Society Foundations di Asia. Selain itu Open Society. Foundations ....

Than Shwe ,77, the colourless but master manipulator ... Asia Pacific Foundation, Canada's leading independent resource on Asia and Canada-Asia .... Than Shwe, 77, will continue to head the State Peace and Development ... Asia.

Teams from the Wildlife Conservation Society were deployed in Aceh .... Jenderal Shwe mendapat upacara penyambutan penuh di istana kepresidenan, meskipun tradisi kawal kehormatan ditiadakan karena hujan memaksa ....